Thank you for testing this pre-release test build. This build is not intended for production use and is delivered AS-IS, with no warranties expressed or implied. This build will expire on 1557187200.
Server Profile
You can use this interface to select a server‘s profile, based on the services that you want to the server to provide.
This allows you to enable or disable specific services to reduce the resource load of a server.
Select Profile
The following profiles are available for this server:
The Standard Node profile provides all services and access to every cPanel feature.
The DNS Node profile provides only services and cPanel features that allow the system to serve Domain Name System zones.
The Database Node profile provides only services and cPanel features that allow the system to serve databases.
The Mail Node profile provides only services and cPanel features that allow the system to serve mail.
Current Profile
ExperimentalExperimental profiles contain previews of new functionality. We do not recommend that you use experimental profiles on production environments.