Restore a Full Backup/cpmove File

This feature will restore full backups, cPanel backups, and cPanel move files and save them in one of the following formats:

  • cpmove-{USER}
  • cpmove-{USER}.tar
  • cpmove-{USER}.tar.gz
  • {USER}.tar
  • {USER}.tar.gz
  • backup-{MM.DD.YYYY}_{HH-MM-SS}_{USER}.tar
  • backup-{MM.DD.YYYY}_{HH-MM-SS}_{USER}.tar.gz

The files must be in one of the following directories on the server: /home, /home2, /home3, /root, /usr, /usr/home, or /web

You must upload the file to one of the above directories before you can use this feature.


Note: Restricted Restore performs additional security checks on the backup file. If a component of the backup file has a security issue, the system will not restore that portion of the backup.

Restricted Restore is experimental and should not be considered an effective security control at this time. It is intended to allow restoring backups from untrusted sources in a future release. cPanel strongly recommends that you do not restore data from anyone whom you would not trust with root access to the server.

To display a sortable and searchable list of all modules and whether they are available in Restricted Restore, click Restore Modules Summary. This includes any custom modules located in the “/var/cpanel/perl/Whostmgr/Transfers/Systems/” directory.

For all other information, see:
