Cron jobs are scheduled tasks that take place at predefined times or intervals on the server. Set the following variables to configure the cPanel & WHM Cron Jobs below:
Enter * to indicate that the cron job should run at each interval. For example, a value of 0 indicates Sunday, or a value of 6 indicates Saturday. For example, a process set to run every day at 21:15 (or 9:15pm in 12-hour format) would be set to Minute = 15, Hour = 21, Day = *, Month = *, Weekday = *.
upcp updates cPanel & WHM. We recommend that you run this script once per day. The script, by default, is set to run at a random time between 9pm and 6am local time. You may set this script to run at any time you wish. We recommend that you set it to run during off-peak hours.
backup runs backups on your server. By default, this script runs at 2:00 AM where the server is located, because this is an off-peak time for most servers. We recommend that you set it to run during off-peak hours, early enough to allow your server to finish backups before peak traffic resumes. If you have backups disabled, the script will immediately exit after it runs.
cpbackup runs backups on your server. By default, this script runs at 1:00 AM where the server is located, because this is an off-peak time for most servers. We recommend that you set it to run during off-peak hours, early enough to allow your server to finish backups before peak traffic resumes. If you have backups disabled, the script will immediately exit after it runs.