Configure cPanel Analytics

You can allow cPanel, L.L.C. to collect data about your server and its accounts. Each cPanel® Analytics feature helps us track a specific kind of information. This includes data about your server configuration and how cPanel®, WHM®, and Webmail account owners (“users”) navigate the interface.

For more information about the data we collect and how we use it, read our documentation.

Interface Analytics are disabled server-wide. Individual users cannot opt in.

Interface Analytics collect data about how you and your users navigate the cPanel, WHM, and Webmail interfaces.

Interface Analytics gathers the server’s cPanel & WHM and operating system versions and its company ID. It also collects the user’s account type, the device used to access cPanel & WHM, and feature use.

After you enable Interface Analytics here, we will not collect data until users also consent. Users enable and disable Interface Analytics for cPanel, WHM, and Webmail separately.